
As the bar year ends, I want to thank you for being part of the Austin Bar family. From Bench Bar to the record-breaking Gala, it’s been an incredible year, and we could not have done it without your membership, engagement, and support of our events. 

I would like to take the opportunity to recognize the many people who worked behind the scenes to make this year’s programming possible.  

The Austin Bar Foundation Gala Committee was headed by Nadia Bettac and President-Elect Mary-Ellen King. This year, the Gala raised more than $234,000—a record! Thank you to everyone involved in the Gala’s planning and, of course, thank you to all our generous donors, sponsors, and Fellows. Thank you, also, to Austin Bar Foundation Chair Amanda Arriaga, who spearheaded the initiative to direct this year’s Gala proceeds to DEI-related legal services in Texas. 

The Bench Bar Committee planned this year’s incredible conference at Kalahari Resorts. Feedback from attendees has been overwhelmingly positive. A special thanks to the Bench Bar “Fun” Subcommittee, which organized our afternoon break activity, the “Lawyer Olympics.” This event was a perfect way to unwind and get to know each other better (and douse Drew Harris with water balloons).

The Events and Fundraising Committee members planned some of our new family-friendly events. Our inaugural holiday market, “Vendors and Vino,” and our “Pictures with Santa” party at Hilgers House were both great successes. We hope to continue more events like these in the coming years.

The Mentorship Committee started hosting mentor breakfasts and lunches with judges and attorneys in their first five years of practice. This program has been top-rated thanks to the generosity of our local judiciary. Thank you to Judges Maya Guerra Gamble, Jessica Mangrum, and Kimberly Williams, and Magistrate Judge Dustin Howell, for mentoring young attorneys at these events.

The Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee and its Equity Summit Subcommittee put on the fourth annual Equity Summit. Thank you to DEI Committee Co-Chairs Elliott Beck and Leslie Dippel and Equity Summit Subcommittee Co-Chairs Matt Garcia and Ketan Kharod.

The History & Traditions Committee, chaired by Phillip Arnold, initiated the “Past Presidents Project,” which documents the history of the Austin Bar Association through the stories of its past presidents. 

And, as always, thank you to the Austin Bar executive committee, the board of directors, and our amazing Austin Bar staff for their tireless work putting on our social and educational programs throughout the year.  

And, finally, a special thanks to DeLaine Ward, who this year celebrates her 40th anniversary with the Austin Bar. DeLaine has been instrumental to the growth and success of the Austin Bar, and we would not be where we are today without her guidance and leadership. Thank you, DeLaine!

As the new bar year starts, I want to wish the absolute best of luck to incoming Austin Bar President Mary-Ellen King, as well as incoming Austin Bar directors Elliott Beck, Sam Denton, Sarah Harp, and Judge Sylvia Holmes. I know they, along with the rest of the executive committee and board of directors, will continue to make our Bar the gold standard for Texas.

It’s been a pleasure to serve as your president. This year I hope that you learned something valuable at one of our programs and had some fun while doing it.  

We’re a great bar organization, and as the legal world becomes more virtual, we cannot forget the value of mentorship, camaraderie, and personal connection. 

Thank you for a great bar year!