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New Austin Bar Member Benefit Alert: Attorney Parking at the Travis County Civil and Family Courts Facility


We are pleased to announce that Austin Bar member attorneys will be able to receive attorney parking cards for the Travis County Civil and Family Courts Facility (CFCF). We have been studying the parking situation for the past several months and believe we have the space to allow for attorney parking. However, this is a pilot program to make sure we will have a sufficient number of spaces and can continue to maintain a safe and secure building for all of Travis County. 

To apply for their CFCF Parking Card, attorneys must first receive a letter from the Austin Bar Association that demonstrates (1) proof of their Austin Bar Association membership and (2) completion of technology training at the CFCF…

Judge Amy Clark Meachum of the 201st Civil District Court announced the launch of the CFCF Attorney Parking Cards program for Austin Bar Members on June 1, 2023.