More Than $50,000 Raised to Honor Judge Yeakel’s Retirement from Federal Bench

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The Austin Bar Association and the Austin Chapter of the Federal Bar Association jointly hosted a retirement reception for Judge Lee Yeakel of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas—Austin Division.<

More than $50,000 was raised. This money will be used to provide scholarships to students at The University of Texas School of Law.

Congratulations to Judge Yeakel, who served the Western District of Texas since 2003. The Austin Bar wishes you the best of luck as you embark on a new journey as senior counsel at King & Spalding LLP’s Trials and Global Disputes practice group in Austin.

(L-R): Diana Phillips, Judge Lee Yeakel, and Judge David Phillips.

Ice sculpture of a longhorn.

Judge Lee Yeakel (right) with his wife, Anne.

(L-R): Patrick O’Daniel and Judge Lee Yeakel.

(L-R): Jim Bryce, Brad Wiewel, Judge Lee Yeakel, and Harold Ingersoll.