Loving It Lawyers Club Tour the CFCF

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Loving It Lawyers Club hosted “An Insiders Tour of the New Travis County Civil and Family Law Court Facility” on June 30, 2023.

The tour was presented by Travis County District Clerk Velva Price and featured Hon. Karin Crump, presiding judge of the 250th District Court.

We had about 35 people in attendance, including five lawyers with more than 25 years of experience. Also among our ranks were students from the Youth Justice Alliance who are interning for Judge Crump for the summer.

The most incredible thing about the new courthouse is the service the Travis County team provides to our community.

The security staff on the first floor were very welcoming and friendly.

One deputy sheriff came up to us and said, “Oh, yeah, you’re the Loving It people,” and escorted us to the escalator up to our room.

Our room was spotlessly clean, well lit, and comfortable. It was configurable and could have accommodated up to 60 people.

The Loving It Lawyers Club touring the CFCF. Among those pictured are 250th District Court Judge Karin Crump (far left); Law-Related Education Committee Chair Armin Salek (next to Crump); Travis County District Clerk Velva Price (middle); and Loving It Lawyers Club Chair Laura Fowler (white scarf). On the right-hand side are Judge Crump’s summer interns. These interns are also part of the Youth Justice Alliance, which is headed by Salek.

Lisa Rush told us about the administrators she oversees, who provide aid to people in legal difficulties—from licensing to court orders—at no charge.

Even though my firm does a lot of pro bono legal work, I didn’t know any of this.

Judge Crump showed us the other features of the courthouse, such as private rooms for nursing mothers and areas where jurors and witnesses can convene without climbing all over each other. The CFCF is truly what courthouses in heaven look like!

Bravo to everyone and everything at the CFCF. We had a blast and would recommend it for meetings to everyone!

The Youth Justice Alliance is headed by the Austin Bar Association’s Law-Related Education Committee’s Chair Armin Salek. YJA is dedicated to moving the needle on diversity investments in the legal profession to high school and college. By providing interventions before talented aspiring lawyers are filtered out by financial and institutional barriers, the organization is hoping to work toward a legal profession that is accessible to students from all communities and backgrounds. Eventually, YJA hopes that the legal profession will lose the title of the least diverse profession in America.