Judge Elisabeth Earle Elected to Texas Bar Foundation Board of Trustees

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Judge Elisabeth Earle, who presides over Travis County Court at Law #7, has been elected to the Board of Trustees of the Texas Bar Foundation.

Earle has served as presiding judge since January 2003. Earle also founded the county’s DWI Court in 2008 and continues to also serve as its presiding judge. The court’s mission is to enhance public safety by providing an intensive, judicially supervised program of team-based counseling, treatment, and monitoring of alcohol and substance DWI offenders.

In recognition of her work in this area, Earle received the DWI Court Advocate Award from the Texas Criminal Justice Coalition; was recognized in Washington, D.C., where she was awarded the MADD National President’s Award for Criminal Justice for her role in the implementation of DWI courts nationally; and subsequently received the prestigious MADD Outstanding Judiciary Service Award.

In 2011, Earle was voted by her peers to serve as Local Administrative Statutory County Court at Law Judge and continues to serve in that role. In 2022, Judge Earle served as chair of the State Bar of Texas Judicial Section.

Founded in 1965 by attorneys determined to assist the public and improve the profession of law, the Texas Bar Foundation has maintained its mission of using the financial contributions of its membership to build a strong justice system for all Texans. To date, the Texas Bar Foundation has distributed more than $25 million throughout Texas to assist nonprofit organizations with a wide range of justice-related programs and services. More than $1.5 million will be distributed for grants this fiscal year. For more information, please visit www.txbf.org.