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Decriminalizing Mental Health in Travis County: Part 5


This is the fifth in a series of eight articles about the Travis County Forensic Mental Health Project.

The Travis County Forensic Mental Health Project delivered its recommendations to the Travis County Commissioners in March 2023. The goal of these recommendations is to provide solutions other than jail to address mental health and substance abuse disorders in the county.

Recommendation #4

The Project’s fourth recommendation is to increase the number of certified peer support specialists (CPSSs) in Travis County.

A peer support specialist is defined by Texas Health and Human Services as someone “with lived experience from mental illness or addiction. By combining this experience with skills learned in formal training, peer specialists deliver services in behavioral health settings to support long-term recovery.”1

Peer support services can be covered by Medicaid if the support specialist is certified by the Texas Certification Board (TCB).

The Travis County Sheriff’s Office (TCSO) currently has one CPSS employed through the Via Hope program. This program also offers up to two unpaid internship positions.

Integral Care has up to six CPSS positions available. 

The Austin State Hospital has several CPSSs employed, as well as a director of peer support services.

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