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December 2023/January 2024 Briefs


Congratulations to Austin Bar member and former Austin Mayor Steve Adler, who has joined Fritz Byrne PLLC as partner. Adler will handle eminent-domain cases for the firm while also maintaining his teaching positions at St. Edward’s University, UT’s Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, and Huston-Tillotson University.

Congratulations to Austin Bar member Rep. Lulu Flores, who won the Texas Access to Justice Foundation’s Legislative Hero Award. The award recognizes legislators who have significantly advanced access to justice in Texas by assisting with the appropriation of funds and/or other substantive activities related to the provision of legal aid in the state.

Congratulations to Austin Bar member Harry Jung, who has joined Fritz Bryne PLLC as an associate in its business and real estate section.

Congratulations to Shannon
Ratliff of Davis Gerald & Cremer PC, who received the Austin Chapter of the American Board of Trial Advocates’ Richard T. McCarroll Professionalism Award. Ratliff’s practice is primarily complex oil and gas, securities, and general commercial litigation. He also serves as a mediator and arbitrator.

Congratulations to Austin Bar member Judge Lee Yeakel (Ret.), who won the 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award from Texas Lawyer. Judge Yeakel retired from the Western District of Texas earlier this year and joined King & Spalding as senior counsel.