Featured image for “Austin Bar Member Hon. Rudy Metayer Named Leadership Austin’s 2024 Outstanding Alum”
Apr. 08, 2024

Austin Bar Member Hon. Rudy Metayer Named Leadership Austin’s 2024 Outstanding Alum

Austin Bar member Hon. Rudy Metayer received Leadership Austin’s  2024 Outstanding Alumni Award at the organization’s Community Engagement Awards event on Feb. 23, 2024. Every year, Leadership Austin, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides leadership training, recognizes exceptional individuals who lead with a commitment to improving the community. The Outstanding Alumni Award is given in honor of Polly Scallorn, who was
Featured image for “Report Deems Solitary Confinement in Texas a Humanitarian Crisis”
Apr. 08, 2024

Report Deems Solitary Confinement in Texas a Humanitarian Crisis

The Texas Civil Rights Project (TCRP) recently released a report, “Solitary Confinement in Texas: A Crisis with No End,”1 in which the nonprofit calls for the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to open an investigation into solitary confinement practices in Texas. An investigation is called for, the report reads, due to alleged violations of the federal Civil Rights of Institutionalized
Featured image for “The Serious & The Salty: States Try to Keep Their Laws Unpublished and the Most Ridiculous Lawsuits of 2023”
Apr. 08, 2024

The Serious & The Salty: States Try to Keep Their Laws Unpublished and the Most Ridiculous Lawsuits of 2023

The opinions expressed in The Serious and The Salty are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Austin Bar Association membership or the Austin Bar Association board of directors. The Serious Have you heard of The Caselaw Access Project? I had not. The Caselaw Access Project (CAP) was founded at Harvard in 2015. On
Featured image for “What’s With a Trust? (Part One)”
Apr. 08, 2024

What’s With a Trust? (Part One)

Since the beginning of Western civilization, wills have been the primary tool for individuals to disperse their assets to loved ones at their death. Even the Bible includes several references to wills.  Now, seemingly all of a sudden, trusts, particularly revocable living trusts, rather than wills, are the preferred method of many estate planning lawyers. Why? Two reasons stand out:
Featured image for “FY2023 Texas Medicaid Fraud Investigations Recover Over $730 Million”
Apr. 08, 2024

FY2023 Texas Medicaid Fraud Investigations Recover Over $730 Million

More than $730 million was recovered in fiscal year 2023 as a result of several state agencies’ coordinated efforts to audit and investigate complaints of fraud, waste, and abuse in the Texas Medicaid program. The recently released Joint Annual Interagency Coordination Report for fiscal year 20231 details the efforts of the Texas Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General
Featured image for “Austin Bar Foundation Now Accepting Grant Applications”
Mar. 07, 2024

Austin Bar Foundation Now Accepting Grant Applications

The Austin Bar Foundation is now accepting applications for grants from Central Texas nonprofits and public interest organizations that provide DEI-related services. Applications are due by May 1 at 4 p.m. The form may be accessed here and mailed or delivered by hand to 712 W. 16th St, Austin, TX, 78701. Proposed projects should provide DEI-related services that: Funding may be provided
Featured image for “UT Law Researching How to Reduce Invalid Drug Patents”
Mar. 04, 2024

UT Law Researching How to Reduce Invalid Drug Patents

by Chris Roberts, The University of Texas School of Law How to improve the process of pharmaceutical patent approvals is the focus of a new study by a researcher at The University of Texas School of Law. The result could potentially save consumers billions of dollars and increase access to medications. As pharmaceutical costs rise, many consumers may find themselves
Featured image for “21st Annual Austin Bar Foundation Gala Raises Record $234,000”
Mar. 04, 2024

21st Annual Austin Bar Foundation Gala Raises Record $234,000

More than 500 guests attended the fairytale-themed Austin Bar Foundation Gala on Jan. 27, 2024, at the Four Seasons in downtown Austin. The $234,089 raised at this year’s Gala is the most ever. Members of the legal community arrived in their black-tie best, while others took advantage of the Gala’s theme, such as AYLA President Sarah Harp, who dressed in
Featured image for “President’s Column: How to Spring Yourself Out of a Funk”
Mar. 04, 2024

President’s Column: How to Spring Yourself Out of a Funk

With spring coming, we are reminded of the many projects that we have unfinished, both personally and professionally. Everything from closet organization to writing that CLE article looms before you. But how do you tackle it? Here are some tips that I have found motivating to spring myself out of a funk and into action: Break Things Into Time Chunks
Featured image for “BE WELL: Improve Your Health by Setting Small Goals”
Mar. 04, 2024

BE WELL: Improve Your Health by Setting Small Goals

Halfway into February, most of us who made resolutions regarding health and fitness have fallen off the wagon. As attorneys, we are constantly told that the level of stress we are under is not good for our minds or bodies. We are told that we can call TLAP to speak to a counselor if needed. But, as we all know,
Featured image for “Austin Bar Member Hon. Rudy Metayer Named Leadership Austin’s 2024 Outstanding Alum”
Apr. 08, 2024

Austin Bar Member Hon. Rudy Metayer Named Leadership Austin’s 2024 Outstanding Alum

Austin Bar member Hon. Rudy Metayer received Leadership Austin’s  2024 Outstanding Alumni Award at the organization’s Community Engagement Awards event…
Featured image for “Report Deems Solitary Confinement in Texas a Humanitarian Crisis”
Apr. 08, 2024

Report Deems Solitary Confinement in Texas a Humanitarian Crisis

The Texas Civil Rights Project (TCRP) recently released a report, “Solitary Confinement in Texas: A Crisis with No End,”1 in…
Featured image for “The Serious & The Salty: States Try to Keep Their Laws Unpublished and the Most Ridiculous Lawsuits of 2023”
Apr. 08, 2024

The Serious & The Salty: States Try to Keep Their Laws Unpublished and the Most Ridiculous Lawsuits of 2023

The opinions expressed in The Serious and The Salty are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the…
Featured image for “What’s With a Trust? (Part One)”
Apr. 08, 2024

What’s With a Trust? (Part One)

Since the beginning of Western civilization, wills have been the primary tool for individuals to disperse their assets to loved…
Featured image for “FY2023 Texas Medicaid Fraud Investigations Recover Over $730 Million”
Apr. 08, 2024

FY2023 Texas Medicaid Fraud Investigations Recover Over $730 Million

More than $730 million was recovered in fiscal year 2023 as a result of several state agencies’ coordinated efforts to…
Featured image for “Austin Bar Foundation Now Accepting Grant Applications”
Mar. 07, 2024

Austin Bar Foundation Now Accepting Grant Applications

The Austin Bar Foundation is now accepting applications for grants from Central Texas nonprofits and public interest organizations that provide…
Featured image for “UT Law Researching How to Reduce Invalid Drug Patents”
Mar. 04, 2024

UT Law Researching How to Reduce Invalid Drug Patents

by Chris Roberts, The University of Texas School of Law How to improve the process of pharmaceutical patent approvals is…
Featured image for “21st Annual Austin Bar Foundation Gala Raises Record $234,000”
Mar. 04, 2024

21st Annual Austin Bar Foundation Gala Raises Record $234,000

More than 500 guests attended the fairytale-themed Austin Bar Foundation Gala on Jan. 27, 2024, at the Four Seasons in…
Featured image for “President’s Column: How to Spring Yourself Out of a Funk”
Mar. 04, 2024

President’s Column: How to Spring Yourself Out of a Funk

With spring coming, we are reminded of the many projects that we have unfinished, both personally and professionally. Everything from…
Featured image for “BE WELL: Improve Your Health by Setting Small Goals”
Mar. 04, 2024

BE WELL: Improve Your Health by Setting Small Goals

Halfway into February, most of us who made resolutions regarding health and fitness have fallen off the wagon. As attorneys,…