Featured image for “Mental Health Concerns Among Military Veterans Highlight Need for Legal Assistance”
Jun. 12, 2024

Mental Health Concerns Among Military Veterans Highlight Need for Legal Assistance

Recent studies have underscored the pressing mental health concerns facing military veterans, revealing a strong correlation between psychological struggles and the need for legal assistance. Veterans are disproportionately affected by mental health issues such as PTSD, depression, and anxiety, often stemming from their service experiences. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) reports that about 20 percent of veterans who
Featured image for “Austin Bar Members Go for the Gold at Bench Bar”
Jun. 10, 2024

Austin Bar Members Go for the Gold at Bench Bar

Thank you to the nearly 200 people who came out for the 2024 Bench Bar Conference! This year’s conference took place at Kalahari Resorts in Round Rock, and featured plenty of members of the bench.  Bench Bar Committee Co-Chair Scott Brutocao kicked off the morning by introducing Corinne Smith, a life coach and Austin attorney. Smith led the crowd in
Featured image for “Parting Words: Looking Back on the 2023-24 Bar Year”
Jun. 10, 2024

Parting Words: Looking Back on the 2023-24 Bar Year

As the bar year ends, I want to thank you for being part of the Austin Bar family. From Bench Bar to the record-breaking Gala, it’s been an incredible year, and we could not have done it without your membership, engagement, and support of our events.  I would like to take the opportunity to recognize the many people who worked
Featured image for “Briefs June 2024”
Jun. 10, 2024

Briefs June 2024

Congratulations to Sandy Bayne of BayneLaw. Bayne has been elected as a new board member for 2024-25 for HeartGift, a nonprofit assisting children in obtaining life-saving heart surgery. Bayne’s practice involves healthcare law, civil litigation, health insurance, and gestational carrier agreements. Congratulations to Natalie Domanic, who has moved to Bollier Ciccone as an associate in the firm’s family law practice.
Featured image for “State Bar Names Austin Lawyer Best Overall Newsletter”
Jun. 10, 2024

State Bar Names Austin Lawyer Best Overall Newsletter

The Austin Bar Association is proud to announce that Austin Lawyer has been named the Best Overall Newsletter for Division III by the State Bar of Texas! Additionally, the “Decriminalizing Mental Health in Travis County” series was named Best Series of Articles – General Interest for Division III. This seven-part series was published between July 2023 and February 2024 and
Featured image for “Congratulations to the Bench Bar Award Winners!”
Jun. 10, 2024

Congratulations to the Bench Bar Award Winners!

(L-R): Austin Bar President Justice Chari Kelly, Regina Rogoff Award winnerRaymond Winter, Larry F. York Mentoring Award winner Judge Jan Soifer,Professionalism Award winner V. Blayre Pena, and Joseph C. Parker, Jr. Diversity Award winner Manuel Escobar. (L-R): AYLA President Sarah Harp, Mentor Award winner Sam Denton, Outstanding Young Lawyer Award winner Nora Picasso Uvalle, and Austin Bar President Justice Chari
Featured image for “Welcome to the New Austin Bar & AYLA Directors”
Jun. 10, 2024

Welcome to the New Austin Bar & AYLA Directors

New Austin Bar Directors New AYLA Directors
Featured image for “Ask Not What AYLA Does, Ask What AYLA Does Not Do”
Jun. 10, 2024

Ask Not What AYLA Does, Ask What AYLA Does Not Do

One of the questions I am most often asked when talking to and about the legal community is, “What does AYLA do?” It was the first question my distant cousin asked when I shared the news that I would be president of the organization and it is always the top question prospective members have—and rightfully so, when learning about AYLA.
Featured image for “AYLA Hosts “Trust & Estate Law Basics” CLE”
Jun. 10, 2024

AYLA Hosts “Trust & Estate Law Basics” CLE

On Tuesday, April 9, 2024, AYLA held a CLE on “Trust & Estate Law Basics,” presented by Melissa Pina, VP, Trust & Estates Officer, Cadence Bank.  The CLE provided attendees with an overview of considerations of which every attorney should have a basic understanding in serving clients. These included the importance of having a will; potential information needed when building
Featured image for “Federal Civil Update June 2024”
Jun. 10, 2024

Federal Civil Update June 2024

The following are summaries of selected civil opinions issued by the Fifth Circuit in April 2024. The summaries are overviews of particular aspects of the opinions; please review the entire opinions. PROPERTY DAMAGE: Reasonable juror could conclude that impounded groundwater that escaped and flowed over river onto plaintiff’s property remained “surface water” under Texas statute, and that defendant’s negligence proximately
Featured image for “Mental Health Concerns Among Military Veterans Highlight Need for Legal Assistance”
Jun. 12, 2024

Mental Health Concerns Among Military Veterans Highlight Need for Legal Assistance

Recent studies have underscored the pressing mental health concerns facing military veterans, revealing a strong correlation between psychological struggles and…
Featured image for “Austin Bar Members Go for the Gold at Bench Bar”
Jun. 10, 2024

Austin Bar Members Go for the Gold at Bench Bar

Thank you to the nearly 200 people who came out for the 2024 Bench Bar Conference! This year’s conference took…
Featured image for “Parting Words: Looking Back on the 2023-24 Bar Year”
Jun. 10, 2024

Parting Words: Looking Back on the 2023-24 Bar Year

As the bar year ends, I want to thank you for being part of the Austin Bar family. From Bench…
Featured image for “Briefs June 2024”
Jun. 10, 2024

Briefs June 2024

Congratulations to Sandy Bayne of BayneLaw. Bayne has been elected as a new board member for 2024-25 for HeartGift, a…
Featured image for “State Bar Names Austin Lawyer Best Overall Newsletter”
Jun. 10, 2024

State Bar Names Austin Lawyer Best Overall Newsletter

The Austin Bar Association is proud to announce that Austin Lawyer has been named the Best Overall Newsletter for Division…
Featured image for “Congratulations to the Bench Bar Award Winners!”
Jun. 10, 2024

Congratulations to the Bench Bar Award Winners!

(L-R): Austin Bar President Justice Chari Kelly, Regina Rogoff Award winnerRaymond Winter, Larry F. York Mentoring Award winner Judge Jan…
Featured image for “Welcome to the New Austin Bar & AYLA Directors”
Jun. 10, 2024

Welcome to the New Austin Bar & AYLA Directors

New Austin Bar Directors New AYLA Directors…
Featured image for “Ask Not What AYLA Does, Ask What AYLA Does Not Do”
Jun. 10, 2024

Ask Not What AYLA Does, Ask What AYLA Does Not Do

One of the questions I am most often asked when talking to and about the legal community is, “What does…
Featured image for “AYLA Hosts “Trust & Estate Law Basics” CLE”
Jun. 10, 2024

AYLA Hosts “Trust & Estate Law Basics” CLE

On Tuesday, April 9, 2024, AYLA held a CLE on “Trust & Estate Law Basics,” presented by Melissa Pina, VP,…
Featured image for “Federal Civil Update June 2024”
Jun. 10, 2024

Federal Civil Update June 2024

The following are summaries of selected civil opinions issued by the Fifth Circuit in April 2024. The summaries are overviews…