AYLA Wins Four ABA Awards of Achievement

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The Austin Young Lawyers Association won four 2023 American Bar Association (ABA) awards – the most of any organization this year.

AYLA won Most Outstanding Single Project – Service to the Bar for the 2022 Family Fall Festival.

For Texas District 25, AYLA also won Service to the Public – Local Level – Division C for the 2022 Crawfish Boil Fundraiser.

AYLA won Service to the Bar – Local Level – Division C for the 2022 Family Fall Festival.

Finally, AYLA won the award for Comprehensive – Local Level – Division C.

The American Bar Association Young Lawyers Division (ABA YLD) presents the annual Awards of Achievement Program.

This program is an opportunity for state and local young lawyer organizations affiliated with the ABA YLD to submit their best projects for evaluation and recognition by a jury of their peers. 

It is designed to encourage project development by recognizing the time, effort, and skills expended by young lawyer organizations in implementing public service and bar service projects in their communities. 

Thank you to our members for attending these events and for your continued support of AYLA! 

Shivangi Mehta, Lex Townsley, Amy Welborn, Blair Leake, and Rudy Metayer at the 2022 Crawfish Boil.