AYLA Seeking Nominations For Awards

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Each year we present three awards for outstanding community and professional service, and mentoring. Know a deserving person in the community who should be recognized? Nominate someone today for one of our three awards: Liberty Bell (awarded to a non-lawyer), Outstanding Young Lawyer, and AYLA Mentor. Nomination forms are due Friday, March 1, and can be found online at AYLA.org.

1) The Outstanding Young Lawyer of Texas Award, which recognizes one young lawyer who has demonstrated professional proficiency, service to the profession, and service to the community.

2) The Liberty Bell Award, which recognizes one outstanding non-lawyer in Texas who has made the most selfless contribution to his or her community to strengthen the effectiveness of the American system of Justice by instilling better understanding and appreciation of the law.

3) The Outstanding Mentor Award, which recognizes one attorney who has consistently demonstrated a commitment to mentoring young lawyers in his or her legal community.