AYLA President’s Column: So This is the New Year

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With August and September comes a new school year and a new bar year! AYLA has lots in store as always, and we are excited to build on its legacy of excellent community service, professionalism, and fun.

This new bar year is especially significant for me both personally and professionally, as the beginning of my term as AYLA president coincides with welcoming a new baby into our family in a few weeks.

While the timing is not easy, I am grateful to our board members, including President-Elect Jenna Malsbary and Treasurer Gracie Sheppard, and Executive Director Debbie Kelly, for their support and willingness to step up during this time of transition, so I can take time to heal and be with my family. I am also grateful to have examples of successful mother attorneys in bar leadership like Justice Chari Kelly and Mary-Ellen King who have offered their guidance and support. 

Some themes AYLA is focusing on this coming year are mentorship, collaboration, and whole-person support. AYLA is a natural place for professional development opportunities and community engagement. We can have an even greater impact by working together with other bar-adjacent and cross-industry groups and by helping our members be the best version of themselves for their jobs, community, and families.

These themes will be incorporated into our CLEs, “Freshquires” program, Docket Calls, and other programs throughout the year. While we do have plans underway, we also welcome ideas for additional opportunities in these areas, so feel free to reach out to me or Jenna with new suggestions.