AYLA Hosts “Trust & Estate Law Basics” CLE

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On Tuesday, April 9, 2024, AYLA held a CLE on “Trust & Estate Law Basics,” presented by Melissa Pina, VP, Trust & Estates Officer, Cadence Bank. 

The CLE provided attendees with an overview of considerations of which every attorney should have a basic understanding in serving clients. These included the importance of having a will; potential information needed when building an estate plan; and alternatives or additions to a will, such as a trust.

 “There are so many situations where attorneys can pick up on a client’s need for future planning, regardless of practice area,” Pina said. 

Pina is a graduate of South Texas College of Law. Prior to Cadence Bank, she worked as a staff attorney for Lone Star Legal Aid in Houston.

AYLA would like to thank Melissa Pina for sharing her knowledge with us; McGinnis Lochridge for the use of their space in hosting this gathering; and Vertitext for sponsoring lunch.