Texas Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers; A Resource for All of Us

The practice of law is a stressful profession. Lawyers face intense pressure with long hours, demanding clients, high-stakes and high-conflict deals or cases, and high professional and societal standards. As a result, the legal profession faces high rates of depression, substance use, and behavioral addictions. Chronic stress can also strain the body to the point of causing life-threatening diseases, and …

Why I’m Passionate About Attorney Wellness

My name is Mary-Ellen King. I am the current president of the Austin Bar Association. This is my story.  I grew up in church, a star athlete, always a leader—secretary of my high school’s student-government association, sorority officer, involved in campus politics, president of alum clubs, Rotary president, president of the Austin Bar, and leadership in various foundations, to name …

Ohio Casualty v. Patterson

The Texas Supreme Court recently granted review of an insurance dispute that could have far reaching, broadening impacts on the current state of the law in Texas as it relates to the duty to defend. The ruling from the trial court and the Court of Appeals blurred the distinction between defense and indemnity, as well as the distinction between expenses …