Parting Words: Looking Back on the 2023-24 Bar Year

As the bar year ends, I want to thank you for being part of the Austin Bar family. From Bench Bar to the record-breaking Gala, it’s been an incredible year, and we could not have done it without your membership, engagement, and support of our events.  I would like to take the opportunity to recognize the many people who worked …

The Rule of Law is Under Attack. What Are We Going to Do About It?

“These are extraordinary times. As lawyers and as guardians of the third branch of government, we have a unique duty to lead our nation in the protection of judges, the rule of law and American democracy. The time has come to rededicate ourselves to our obligations.” This is the recent charge from American Bar Association (ABA) President Mary Smith, calling …

President’s Column: How to Spring Yourself Out of a Funk

With spring coming, we are reminded of the many projects that we have unfinished, both personally and professionally. Everything from closet organization to writing that CLE article looms before you. But how do you tackle it? Here are some tips that I have found motivating to spring myself out of a funk and into action: Break Things Into Time Chunks …

President’s Column: Taking the Leap for Board Certification

One of my proudest professional accomplishments is being board-certified in criminal law. There are many types of board certifications and professional recognitions for trial work, but three of the most popular in Texas are the Texas Board of Legal Specialization (TBLS), the National Board of Trial Advocacy (NBTA), and the American Board of Trial Advocates (ABOTA).  While each has different …

Austin Bar President’s Column: Stuffing and Statements Against Interest

After this year’s impeachment trial, you may find yourself sitting around the Thanksgiving table being peppered with questions from your family about the Texas Rules of Evidence. While you can’t be expected to explain all the nuances of hearsay over pumpkin pie, here are a few quick refreshers that you can use for Great-Aunt Clara’s questions and your own trial …

Austin Bar President’s Column: Don’t Forget to Have a Little Fun

As adults, we often forget the simplicity of the “before” times. Before the job, the family, and the dreaded smartphone, we all allowed ourselves to have a little fun. I recently came across a book that explores the concept of fun and why it’s a necessary part of the human experience, The Power of Fun: How to Feel Alive Again. …