Entre Nous: Thanks for the Promotion!

Over these 33 years of Entre Nous, I have pondered the odd and tortured legalese we use in our work, and the unique quirks of our noble profession. Much of this labor of love emanates from certain truths which afflict us. Lawyers are smart, often driven, but with all the other stresses we suffer as we chase change… To view …

Is This “Remotely” Possible?

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Austin Bar Association membership or the Austin Bar Association board of directors. Consider the following three scenes: SCENE ONE Egypt, Giza Valley, Akehnaton’s apartment. 2500 BC. [A knock on the door, it’s Djoser, the chief stone architect of Pharoah Khafre’s …

Entre Nous – I’m Going to Need a Few More Strikes

One of the great honors that I have had over the past 13 years is to work as the Director of the State Bar’s Advanced Trial Strategies (ATS) course. This elite course, given in New Orleans each February, is designed for lawyers with 20+ years’ experience. Our committee’s aim is to get the best speakers, to bring important information to …

Entre Nous: The Bogeyman of Justice

The opinions expressed in Entre Nous are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Austin Bar Association membership or the Austin Bar Association board of directors. Every culture has its scary legends, usually designed to frighten children into behaving as adults wish—or face horrible consequences. Fear of unnatural and unknowable forces has dominated the …

Is This Seat Taken?

The opinions expressed in Entre Nous are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Austin Bar Association membership or the Austin Bar Association board of directors. My travels take me through a lot of airports, and being a friendly—okay,“nosy”—guy, I almost always strike up a conversation with a fellow passenger after carefully considering whether …

Entre Nous September 2023: Are We Tired of Being Attired?

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Austin Bar Association membership or the Austin Bar Association board of directors. My law school professor for Agency & Partnership Law was Harold G. Reuschlein, former dean of Villanova Law School, and everyone’s “Proper Gentleman.” He appeared for each class …