Austin Bar Celebrates Pride

The LGBTQ+ Section of the Austin Bar celebrated Austin Pride with thousands of fellow Austinites on August 12, 2023. The section marched in the parade with members, supporters, and friends, handing out flags, necklaces, and fans for the hot summer night. The parade also provided the opportunity to share the Section’s “know your rights” website with community members through a …

Texas Supreme Court Update July/August 2023

The following is a summary of a selected opinion issued by the Supreme Court of Texas in May 2023. The summary is intended as an overview of selected aspects of the opinion only; please review the entire opinion. PERSONAL JURISDICTION: “Dieselgate” auto manufacturers subject to specific personal jurisdiction in Texas, despite contacts with Texas being undifferentiated from those with other …

Congratulations to 2023 TCWLA Scholarship Fund Awardees!

The board of directors of the Travis County Women Lawyers’ Association Scholarship Fund, Inc.  had the honor of awarding $2,000 from four separate scholarships to nine remarkable women attending The University of Texas School of Law.  Most of the awardees were able to attend the Travis County Women Lawyers’ Association (TCWLA)’s mentor-mentee luncheon, at which Women’s Month was celebrated with …

Decriminalizing Mental Health in Travis County: Part 1

This is the first in a series of eight articles about the Travis County Forensic Mental Health Project. The Travis County Forensic Mental Health Project delivered its recommendations to the Travis County Commissioners in March 2023. The goal of these recommendations is to provide solutions other than jail to address mental health and substance abuse disorders in the county. The project …

More Than $50,000 Raised to Honor Judge Yeakel’s Retirement from Federal Bench

The Austin Bar Association and the Austin Chapter of the Federal Bar Association jointly hosted a retirement reception for Judge Lee Yeakel of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas—Austin Division.< More than $50,000 was raised. This money will be used to provide scholarships to students at The University of Texas School of Law. Congratulations to Judge …

Austin Nonprofit Receives Texas Bar Foundation Grant to Develop Self-Improvement Programming for Incarcerated Girls

The Girls Empowerment Network (GEN) has received funding from the U.S. Department of Justice and the Texas Bar Foundation (TBF) to expand its Girl Connect school program to include Texas girls who are involved with the Texas juvenile justice system. Currently, Girl Connect serves girls across 84 program sites throughout Texas, including Austin. Using research-based, trauma-informed techniques, the program… Girls Empowerment …

More Than 300 Prequalify to Have Criminal Records Expunged at 4th Travis County Expunction Expo

The fourth Travis County Expunction Expo took place on May 20, 2023. More than 300 applicants had prequalified to have their records expunged. The expo was a joint production of the Travis County District Attorney’s Office, the Travis County Attorney’s Office, and the Travis County District Clerk’s Office. Legal services were provided by the Capital Area Private Defender Service, the …

U.S. Copyright Office Launches Initiative to Examine AI Issues

The U.S. Copyright Office has launched an initiative to examine the law and policy issues presented by the proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. In a policy statement published in the Federal Register on March 16, 2023, the office explains how the human-authorship requirement applies to materials containing AI-generated elements…

Meet the Austin Bar’s New President: Justice Chari Kelly

AL: What is your background? (Where you grew up, went to school, law school, etc.) CK: I grew up in Daytona Beach, Florida, just a stone’s throw from Disney World. I attended the University of Florida for undergrad, where I was in the Army ROTC program. Upon graduation, I was commissioned as a second lieutenant and received an educational delay …