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Austin Bar Member Appointed Chair of TDCJ Board


Austin Bar fellow Eric Nichols has been appointed chair of the Texas Board of Criminal Justice.

Nichols is a partner at Butler Snow LLP, an Austin Bar 100 Club member firm. Nichols has previously served as an assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Texas and as deputy attorney general for criminal justice in the Office of the Texas Attorney General.

In addition to his participation in the Austin Bar, Nichols is a fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers, the Texas Bar Foundation, a member of the American Board of Trial Advocates and the State Bar of Texas, and is a trustee of The University of Texas Law School Foundation.

Nichols’ term on the board will expire Feb. 1, 2029.

The Texas Board of Criminal Justice oversees the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and provides the department recommendations relating to confinement, supervision, rehabilitation and reintegration of Texans convicted of felonies.