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Applications Are Open for the 2024 AYLA/Austin Bar Leadership Academy!


The AYLA/Austin Bar Leadership Academy assists Austin-area lawyers in making a difference in our community and in service to the Bar. A class of lawyers from the Austin Bar and AYLA will be selected from applications submitted by lawyers of all areas of practice, firm size, and levels of experience.

The Leadership Academy will begin with a retreat on Jan. 12, 2024, followed by a series of lunchtime presentations during which participants will network with and enjoy presentations by leaders in various areas of practice and in the community. The course will culminate with the organization of a class project.

The enrollment fee is $300 for government employee and public interest attorneys and $400 for all other attorneys. The fee covers the retreat, meetings, meals, and materials. Scholarships may be available to those who need assistance.

The deadline is Friday, Nov. 17, 2023. 

Please direct any questions to Leadership Academy Committee co-chairs Gracie Wood Shepherd (gwshepherd@fmltlaw.com) and Sarah Harp (sarah-harp@utulsa.edu).