AYLA Member Spotlight July/August 2023

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AYLA: Tell us a little bit about yourself and your law practice.

COMBS: I am originally from Odessa, Tex., and came to Austin for law school at UT. I am in my second year of practice at Cagle Pugh, a firm which primarily represents homeowners’ associations withissues involved in the operation and governance of association-governed communities.

AYLA: How long have you been involved in AYLA and what’s been your best AYLA experience so far?

COMBS: I am about to start my third year in AYLA, and my best experience was being involved in the Leadership Academy. From that experience, I was able to get to know other members of the local legal community, and Debbie Kelly has been instrumental in helping me get plugged into other areas of AYLA. I particularly enjoy the many health and wellness events that are put on throughout the year.

AYLA: What was your childhood dream job?

COMBS: As a child my dream wasn’t so much the type of job but where. I wanted to travel! In the two years between my B.A. and M.B.A., I lived in Morocco and France.

AYLA: What are some of the things you enjoy most about living in Austin?

COMBS: I really enjoy Austin’s ease of access to outdoor activities. It is so nice to go on a bike ride around Lady Bird Lake or jump into Barton Springs to unwind after a long day.

AYLA: What’s your best piece of advice for fellow young attorneys?

COMBS: Many tasks young associates are asked to do have been done before, so don’t reinvent the wheel. Figure out the issues and your knowledge gaps, then ask someone with more experience for direction.

Kelly Combs is an associate with Cagle Pugh, assisting property owners’ associations with legal needs. He attended the UT School of Law and was licensed to practice in 2021.