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Volunteers & Donors Make 15th AYLA MLK Day of Service a Success


The 15th Annual Austin Young Lawyers Association Day of Service on Martin Luther King, Jr., Day was tremendously successful with the help of volunteers and donors. 

This local project is modeled after the national Martin Luther King, Jr., Day of Service, which is intended to transform Dr. King’s life and teachings into community service that helps solve social problems.

There were 14 individuals who were able to donate whole blood for the We Are Blood drive, which equals 42 potential lives saved. This event also donated over $775 in items for the Center for Child Protection birthday box initiatives. 

All of the organizations AYLA supported this year are:

• Austin Humane Society austinhumanesociety.org;

• Generation Serve generationserve.org;

• SAFE safeaustin.org;

• Center for Child Protection centerforchildprotection.org;

• We Are Blood weareblood.org;

• Any Baby Can anybabycan.org;

• Casa Marianella casamarianella.org;

• Austin Diaper Bank austindiapers.org;

• Central Texas Food Bank centraltexasfoodbank.org; and

• Austin Allies austinallies.org.

AYLA follows the mantra of justice through service and encourages the Central Texas legal community to continue to serve those in need in the ways they can. We look forward to planning the 16th-annual Day of Service and seeing you at the next community service event. 

AYLA partnered with Generation Serve on January 20 for its annual MLK Day of Service. Generation Serve’s mission is to connect families with local non-profits and facilitate philanthropic opportunities, ensuring future generations understand the importance of giving. AYLA families were able to volunteer with a variety of organizations through the partnership.
Generous volunteers spent their MLK Day supporting local nonprofits.
One of the organizations AYLA supported this past MLK Day of Service was Austin Humane Society. Go adopt!
Volunteers brought out their families to take part in acts of service to benefit the Austin community.