Austin Bar Board of Directors Open for Nominations!

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If you are interested in running for a position as a director or officer of the Austin Bar Association, please fill out and submit this form by Feb. 25.

Officer positions are one-year term; director positions are for two years. Nominees for the office of president-elect shall have served at least two years on the board of directors prior to assuming office.

Austin Bar Board Duties & Expectations

  1. Each Board member is expected to actively support the Austin Bar Association’s mission, programs, and activities.
  1. Each new Board member is expected to participate in the formal Board orientation activities and to become familiar with the contents of his/her Board notebook. Additional information should be sought from the Executive Director or President as the year progresses, to ensure full participation in Board deliberations.
  1. Each Austin Bar Board member is expected to attend the Bench Bar Conference and the Gala.
  1. Each Board member is expected to support Volunteer Legal Services through financial and/or volunteer efforts, and encourage others to do so as well.
  1. The Board usually meets on the last Wednesday of the month 9 times a year from 5:30 p.m. to approximately 6:30 p.m. Occasionally, alternative dates are selected, or additional sessions held. Attendance at these meetings is expected and unexcused absences are grounds for removal. An absence is unexcused if not conveyed to and excused by the Executive Director prior to the meeting. Directors, section chairs, and affiliate representatives are welcome to attend Executive Committee meetings but are not required. Executive Committee meetings usually occur the Monday prior to the last Wednesday of each month from 12:00 p.m. to approximately 1:00 p.m.
  1. Each Austin Bar Board member is expected to serve:

a.    As a member or chair of at least one Austin Bar committee

b.    As a liaison to his/her assigned Austin Bar sections

The President seeks Board input when making these annual appointments.

  1. Each Austin Bar Board member is expected to prepare for and participate in Board and committee meetings. This includes being knowledgeable about related materials, being prepared to develop and/or articulate Austin Bar Association policy, asking substantive questions, and/or suggesting agenda items on significant member or professional issues. In order to participate in Board meetings, it is imperative that each Austin Bar Board member attend the entire meeting. Failure to arrive by 5:45 p.m., or before the first action item is considered, whichever is earlier, is an unexcused absence.
  1. Each Austin Bar Board member must be a current attorney Austin Bar member.

The Nominating Committee’s decision will be announced on or before March 15. The number of candidates to be nominated for each position shall be left to the discretion of a majority of the Nomination Committee. Any qualified member not receiving the nomination of the committee may be included on the ballot by submitting a written petition signed by 75 members of the Austin Bar. Such written positions must be submitted by April 5.  

Voting shall be conducted via electronic ballot. If you have any question about the nomination or election process, please contact DeLaine Ward at; 512-472-0279 ext 104.